Our fans are a useful tool in nearly every industry. Anytime there is a motor or engine involved, we can build the fan to cool it. Yes, our fans are great for ventilation and general air movement, but the big engines that power generators, combines, backhoes, and mining machinery?
That’s who needs us the most, and we’re ready to build fans for them all.
Finding cooling fans for the large engines that power these monstrous machines isn’t hard to do. Manufacturers can get you a replacement fan in about 6-10 weeks, depending on how busy they are. Breeza Industrial can hand-build you a fan that functions the same way, and in most cases have it in the mail in 24 hours. This is a game changer for hard working machines that can’t afford to sit idle for weeks at a time, and it’s a niche we enjoy being able to fill.
Our line of Breeza fans was designed to be easily adjusted to fit any application. With a slight change of blade pitch, blade count, or blade length, we can accommodate almost any cooling function.
We’ve seen an uptick in the need for emergency fan replacements, and we’re stepping up to the plate to fill it. The front page of our site now has a Find Your Replacement Fan button that will take you to a list of most of the engines we build fans for. Even if your engine isn’t included on those pages, give us a call.
Just like our moto says, we do it all.
We’ve been building replacement fans since the company started 25 years ago. We want to keep machines around the world running by providing quick and quality service and parts because it’s part of who we are as a company. Call us today and let us know how we can serve you.